Search Results for: earth
Has The Earth Used Less Water For More Than 4 Billion Years? Scientists Find The Answer In a Rock
The modern Earth's atmosphere is so rich in oxygen that the vast majority of this hydrogen will be re-oxidized to water without escaping from the Earth's top atmosphere
500 Trillion Tons! A Comet Is Heading Towards Earth? Scientists: Speed 35,000 Km/h
The 500 trillion ton comet was discovered in 2010 by astronomers Pedro Bernardinelli and Gary Bernstein
How Was The World's First Man Born When There Was No Man On Earth Billions Of Years Ago?
If humans evolved from the forest archaeopteryx, how did the forest archaeopteryx emerge?
An Object From Outside The Solar System Crashed Into The Earth's Atmosphere In 2014, Research Suggests
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Near Earth Object Research Center has such a database, which is called the "Fireball Database."
What Is So Special About Gliese 581g, Thought To Be The Most Earth-Like Exoplanet Known?
It has been billions of years since life appeared on earth, and although there are seven planets in our solar system in addition to earth, as well as a number of dwarf planets, moons and other relatively large bodies, so far we have not found alien life on any other planet in our solar system for the time being. Even mars, another earth-like planet in the habitable zone of our solar system, has not found a single sign of life. Could it be that life on earth is really unique and no other planet is allowed to have life?
The Earth Has Mountains Over 8,000 Metres High And Ocean Trenches Over 10,000 Metres Deep, So Why Do Scientists Still Say The Earth Is Round
There is a view that the reason why the Earth looks round is because of the role of the Earth's oceans, which simply means that a large amount of seawater has "filled in" the undulations of the Earth's surface.
Planet That Collided With Earth 4.5 Billion Years Ago Found? Scientists: It Could Be Inside The Earth
Earthquakes are a common natural phenomenon. On average, millions of earthquakes occur on Earth every year, except that most of them are so mild that they are largely imperceptible to humans.
How Long Would It Take For Humans To Reach Mars?
Of all the known rocky planets in the solar system, the one with the most similar natural environment to Earth is Mars, and exploration data show that Mars also has an atmosphere, four seasons of the year, and even a rotation period similar to that of Earth.
Why Doesn't All The Water Seep Into The Ground But Stays On The Earth's Surface? How Is The Earth Waterproof?
The earth's water resistance comes from the high temperature, pressure and density of its interior
Another Potentially Habitable Planet Has Been Discovered, And The Only Thing Scientists Are Worried About Is The Possibility Of Alien Life
This exoplanet, known as TOI 700d, is about 101.5 light years away from our Earth, which means that even if we were to travel to this exoplanet in a light-speed spacecraft, it would take at least 101.5 years of flight to reach it, so it is very far away