Search Results for: earth
Voyager 1 Has Flown 22.8 Billion Kilometres Away, How Did It Manage To Send Its Signal Back To Earth?
The universe is so big, but man's range is so small that the furthest man has been so far is the moon, which is only 380,000 km away from earth on average. Of course, humans have also launched all kinds of probes, and if you include them, the range of human activities is much larger.
Humans Can Not Walk The Earth? Scientists: Astronauts Flying In Space For 6 Months, The Amount Of Bone Loss Is Amazing
In orbit for longer and longer periods of time, we need to solve not only inorganic resupply problems such as food, water, oxygen and propellant, but also the various problems faced by astronauts flying in orbit for long periods of time
What Are The Seven Stars Of The Big Dipper? How Big Are They? How Far Away Are They From The Earth?
The Big Dipper is located in the constellation Ursa Major, and under good observing conditions, we can find them almost every day in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere. These seven shining stars form a unique spoon shape that is very easy to recognize.
How Terrible Is The Strongest Known 'Starquake'? It's The Equivalent Of a 21 Magnitude Earthquake And Would Be Too Much For Earth To Handle
Earthquakes are a natural phenomenon known to all of us, and they are not unique to the earth. In theory, any planet with a solid crust can have an 'earthquake', and for the sake of distinction, we can call it a 'starquake'. The strength of a 'starshock' varies from planet to planet, so how terrible is the strongest known 'starshock'?
A Probe That Flew 22.8 Billion Kilometres And Finally Sent Back Pictures That Teach Mankind a Vivid Lesson
Although the Earth is just a "grain of dust suspended in the sun" in the universe, for us humans, this "grain of dust" is irreplaceable.
The Most Mysterious Crater On The Moon: An Unnaturally Oval Shape With a Giant Structure In The Middle
The "Ryder" crater is actually located on the rim of a much larger crater. Exploration data show that this old crater is about 70 km in diameter, and its rim rises high above the inner area, with an altitude difference of about 3 km
Why Is It That Dinosaurs Are Not All Extinct And Are Still Living On Earth, Everywhere Around Humans?
It is proposed that birds originated from dinosaurs, and that "ancestor birds" are a transitional species between birds and dinosaurs.