Search Results for: Genes
Turning Defense Into Offense! In The Future, Genetically Modified Crops May Learn To Catch Their Own Bugs
Scientists have applied genetic analysis tools to study insectivorous plants. The study depicted the dynamics of calcium molecules in the leaves of carnivorous plants when insect prey landed on the leaves and were captured by sticky secretions.
In 1931, a Scientist Accidentally Turned His 10-Month-Old Son Into An Orangutan By Keeping Him With Him
Kellogg adopted a 7-month-old female chimpanzee from a charity and named her Goya. Donald and Goya live together every day living, eating and moving around. The surrounding neighbors have since been amazed to find the child next door in and out with the orangutan!
What Happened To The Experiment To Crossbreed With Chimpanzees And The Five Human Women Willing To Pay For Science?
Since humans and chimpanzees are reproductively isolated from each other and cannot bond, can we transfuse chimpanzee blood to us humans?