Just 36.5 Light-Years From Earth, Another 'Super-Earth' Has Been Discovered That May Contain Extraterrestrial Life
Proxima, a slightly smaller red dwarf than Ross 508, has been frequently observed by astronomers as a giant flare in the past.
Is There Really Water On Mars? Scientists Have Debated For Decades After Rover Photographed An Avalanche On Mars
Data returned by the Odyssey Mars Rover suggest that these slope streaks are generally found on the sides of hills and mountains in Martian craters, and that their formation may be caused by frost formed by carbon dioxide at low temperatures
Which Is The 2nd Closest Star To The Sun? What About The 3rd Closest? Take a Look At The 10 Closest Stars To The Sun
According to astronomers, Barnard's star is approaching the Sun at a rate of about 107 kilometers per second, and on this trend, it will arrive at a distance of 3.85 light-years from the Sun in 11800 AD, replacing Proxima as the closest star to the Sun
Second Home Just Around The Corner? Probe Finds 'Reservoir', Nasa: Send People Up There By 2040
In our solar system, there are 2 planets in the habitable zone of the solar system, one of which is our home planet Earth, and the other is Mars
400 Million Kilometres Away, a Probe Captures a View Of a Martian Ravine, Bringing The Planet To Life
Nowadays, Mars is obviously unsuitable for direct human habitation, because the environment of Mars is very different from that of Earth, such as Mars is unusually arid, desolate and without a trace of life. Despite this, scientists are still keen to explore Mars
Voyager 1 Has Flown 22.8 Billion Kilometres Away, How Did It Manage To Send Its Signal Back To Earth?
The universe is so big, but man's range is so small that the furthest man has been so far is the moon, which is only 380,000 km away from earth on average. Of course, humans have also launched all kinds of probes, and if you include them, the range of human activities is much larger.
Would An Alien Civilisation Reveal Itself Voluntarily? 355 Light Years Away, An Abnormal Star Appears
Compared to radio messages sent by humans, this method seems to be more suitable for intelligent civilizations to announce their presence in the universe, because this method belongs to the "broadcast" in space, and intelligent civilizations in all directions can be observed
What Are The Seven Stars Of The Big Dipper? How Big Are They? How Far Away Are They From The Earth?
The Big Dipper is located in the constellation Ursa Major, and under good observing conditions, we can find them almost every day in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere. These seven shining stars form a unique spoon shape that is very easy to recognize.
Coincidence Or Something Else? Why Do We Never See The Back Of The Moon?
The moon is the closest planet to the earth and the brightest and most easily observed object in the earth's night sky. Because the moon is always facing the same way towards the earth, for us humans living on earth, we can only ever observe one fixed side of the moon.
The Secret Of The Centre Of The Milky Way Is About To Be Revealed And The Eht Will Announce a Major Discovery On 12 May
Ever since humans began to look up at the stars, they have been curious about the vastness of the universe, and this is still the case today. With the help of various observation devices, modern humans can take a large number of photos of the deep space of the universe, which are updated almost every day.