2022最新Google Voice美国电话号码永久保号教程

网上的一些GV保号教程过时了,导致许多朋友的Google voice的靓号被回收,可惜了。因此接码号把自己常用的几种GV保号方法分享给大家。

Google Voice 号码回收政策:

Google may reclaim your Google Voice number (if you have one) if you have not placed or answered calls, or sent or opened text messages for a period of 3 months. We will not reclaim numbers that have been ported into Google Voice or made permanent.

按照谷歌官方文档 https://support.google.com/voice/answer/9230450https://www.google.com/intl/en-US/googlevoice/program-policies.html 里面说的3-6个月不使用GV号码接打电话,发短信,打开网页或APP查看短信,号码就会被回收。